Omagh Women's Aid



028 8224 1414
Helpline: 0808 802 1414

Omagh Women’s Aid provides a range of confidential services for women and children experiencing domestic violence.

Services include refuge, floating support, children’s services, training and personal development programmes and external training.

Omagh Women’s Aid offers emergency supported accommodation available to women and their children experiencing domestic violence.  Within our floating support service we provide practical and emotional support to women affected by domestic violence who choose to remain at home.  We complete preventative work with children and young people including one to one and peer group support.  We offer a range of courses (subject to funding) open to all women in the community.  Finally we offer competitively priced training on domestic violence and its impact on women and children to agencies in the voluntary, community and statutory sectors. 

Omagh Women’s Aid has five core aims.  To provide Refuge to women and children suffering mental, physical or sexual abuse within the home.  To encourage the woman to determine her own future, whether this involved returning home or beginning and independent life.  To recognise and care for the emotional needs of the children involved. To offer support and advice to any woman who asks for it, whether of not she is in refuge and offer supportive aftercare to any woman leaving the refuge. To educate and inform the public, media, the police, the courts, social services and other authorities; always mindful of the fact that abused women are a direct result of the general position of women in our society.